Covid19 cases visualized by zip code in San Diego County (Initial - April 2020)

Note (September 2022): This web map was made in the early days of the pandemic and not maintained. I'm keeping it up as a reflection of the urgency of data needs during the rapidly changing conditions of the first couple months of the pandemic, but please don't rely on this data for anything!

Thus far, San Diego has only released Covid19 data by city. This isn't very useful in San Diego County, where the vast majority of cases have taken place in the sprawling City of San Diego itself. Last night, they finally released the number of cases by zip code, allowing a much finer scale understanding of the distribution of the virus. I combined this newly released data with census data on zip code boundaries to get a first look at the spatial distribution of cases at the zip code level.

The map was implemented as a web map, allowing users to search for their zip code and navigate around San Diego County.

Access the web app by clicking here

A view of the web app:

Previous map released by the county and zip code level data:

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